The experience to help guide your case to resolution

​Photo Credit: Peter Hellberg

​Photo Credit: Peter Hellberg

Ricardo A. Lopez, Esq.

With over ten years of insurance industry experience working as a plaintiff's attorney and as a bodily injury adjuster for such companies as Allstate, Infinity and Workman's Auto Insurance, Mr. Lopez has the insider's knowledge to know what it takes when dealing with an insurance carrier and your case. Mr. Lopez has handled numerous claims involving a wide spectrum of liability issues including investigating and adjusting complex fatality cases, and negotiating high value bodily injury settlements.  A member of the Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles, Mr. Lopez also worked with the California Department of Insurance in the policy department helping create and pass insurance-related legislation. 

Licensed by the State Bar of California Mr. Lopez received his J.D. with distinction, from University of Pacific School of Law.